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How To Be A Latin Lover (Movie Review)

Yesterday I had the pleasure of going to the movies and watched, How to be a latin lover. I went to the premier, because honestly I couldn't wait any longer. I have been seeing a lot of ads and different promotional posts about it and I was anxious to watch it. The movie started at 7:30 pm and the theater was half full. There were people from all ages, from teens to older adults. I have to say that the movie was amazing! It is hilarious from start to finish. Eugenio Derbez scored big again. I couldn't stop laughing the whole time, and all the people in the theater were laughing out loud as well. The acting was really good from the entire cast. Salma Hayek did an extraordinary job. I hadn't seen a movie with Salma in a very long time and I fell in love with her. She was really funny without trying to be. The chemistry between Salma and Eugenio was undeniable. The kid Raphael Alejandro was so cute and adorable. One of the things that I loved about this movie is that all t...
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Movie of the month (March 2017)

Hello! So for movie of the month I picked: Beauty and The Beast. I know it may sound cheesy for some of you, but I loved this movie. From the very first scene I fell in love with it. It is such a magical movie and if you grew up watching the original one like I did, it may have a deeper meaning for you. In comparison with the original one I can say that it is identical. Every scene, every song would just take me to the past and make me remember a lot of things from back in the day. Emma Watson is splendid as Belle, as well as the rest of the cast. Before watching the movie I had my doubts about Emma, but after, I think they couldn't have picked a better Belle. All of the characters are brilliant. I have to say that my favorite is: Lumiere. He was perfect in every scene of the movie. For all of the negative people that I've seen on social media criticizing the Prince, all I have to say is, you are a bunch of haters. He is so handsome and perfect, just like a Prince should ...


Hello, I am so happy to be back in the blogging world. I used to blog very frequently a few years ago, then I stopped but now I'm back! First of all my name is Paola and live in the great state of Texas. I am a dreamer and lover of life. In this lifestyle blog you will find a little bit of everything. We will share this crazy world together and will talk about our dreams, goals, movies, books, fashion and just everything interesting. It's gonna be fun! I love traveling, reading, going to the movies, eating, sleeping, watching TV series and taking pictures. Welcome! PSS